I woke up on Wed. morning around 5 am with contractions but not real regular so I wasn't sure. Finally I went to the hospital at 10 because they just kept coming. When I got there I was only a 2 cm and they sent me walking to see if things would progress. By the time I got back and someone finally checked me it was 12:30 and I was 7 to 8 cm and in A LOT of pain. They hurried and did an epidural I had a brief relief and it was time to push. Half way through my first push they told me to stop cause she was out and it was 1:28 pm. Thats my short story and I am feeling great because it went so well.
Isn't she beautiful with all that dark hair (I have no idea where it came from)!
Nana arrived about 2 hours later to hold the new baby girl
and to bring me a milk shake my first food of the day.
and to bring me a milk shake my first food of the day.
Hayden was excited to meet his little sister. He did so much better than I thought he would, it was very cute to see him want to hold and kiss her. So far he has been soft and gentle I hope it lasts.
First Kiss
After an hour of paper work and Hayden crashing on the couch we finally got to go home!
She will eventually grow into this!
OH MY GOSH! She is so so so beautiful! I am so happy for you! I would call you but I know you probably wouldn't be up for phone calls. Just know that I love you and I already love Jordyn (btw...love the name and the way you spell it!). I seriously can't believe you have a baby with that much hair! Well, your family is even more beautiful now! congrats and let your mom spoil you!....or play tons of Dr. Mario with you! She has to have it with her:)
Congrats! She is beautiful!
Congrats! She's beautiful! So glad everything went so well!
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