Thursday, April 1, 2010

Almost Time

So I only have about 2 weeks left till my due date and I am feeling very anxious. I can't really find much more to clean or organize but i'm sure I will find something. My blood pressure was high for a while and so I thought this baby might have to come early like Hayden and we got all ready, but now that it's down it feels like I'm waiting forever. However I am glad that she is going to come when she's ready.

I finally took some pictures of Hayden so that I could remember when it was just him. Sometimes I am amazed at how big he is and others I feel like he is still my baby. This will definatly be an adjustment for both of us. I couldn't get him to smile I will have to have Chirs help my with that sometime.



Hayden is as busy as ever and talking a little. He only ever says what's really important to him like yelling mommy when he wants something, which seems like always. This is his fort his dad made him, they have been really good buddies he is definatly a daddy's boy now.
I am afraid Hayden is going to be very sad when he finds out this baby swing is not for him.
Here is my little helper which usually means things take twice as long, but he sure loves to do what I'm doing.
My sister Jentry came up for a vist and Hayden did better playing with his cousins this time. He doesn't always play nice with other kids but he is definatly learning and getting better.
They had to watch the movie in thier car seats because there was only one little chair and of course they all need one.
We went to the rec center, they have a great pool and the kids all played well, it was really fun. It's a good thing he doesn't mind water in his face, he actually thought this was great and kept asking jentry to do it again.

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