Saturday, November 1, 2008


Hayden's first Halloween was a bit of a bust. We bought a bag of candy but even though we live in the middle of town we didn't have 1 trick or treater. I guess you only go to people's house that you know around here. We did go hang out with some other young couples, they had 13 young kids there so it was very loud and apparently very traumatic for Hayden. He screamed for the first 20 minutes we almost had to go home but he got used to it.

This is the only costume I could find for a baby, Chris thought it was pretty funny. As you can see he is going through the drooling stage.

I'm proud he can hold himself up. This is my rose pumpkin, it took me three days because as I have realized my art projects take a lot longer with a baby around.

It already very cold up here and I think he looks funny all bundled up!


Hartleys said...

Janae, it's Jentch's friend Natalie. She told me you had a blog and I had to check in and see how big Hayden is getting since the last time I saw him was when Jentry was in the hospital having Paiton! You are right he has chunked up so much since I saw him! You look great and he is so adorable! :)

Rob and Amanda said...

Hayden is a cute little guy! I just found your blog, how exciting. We hope that you guys are doing well!

Jentch said...

Poots. He is so stinkin Cute. I can not believe how old he looks and he really is such a good looking little boy. He must come from some amazing IVERSON genes!Love the pumpkin as well and the costume. At least you have a bag of candy to eat now!

Leisha and Tanner said...

Hayden is so so cute! I love him!! I am so glad you have a blog now so I can see what is going on in your life! I hope everything is going well! We miss you guys!
