Monday, April 19, 2010

Coming Home

It's nice to be home and not worried about where Hayden is and who has him. Jordyn is doing really well, she is a good eater and over all a happy baby. When we got home we realized that all the clothes that I have drowned her so my mom went and picked up a couple of premie outfits so that she had some things that fit. They look like doll clothes and they look so cute on her.

Chris has been amazing help, especially with Hayden, I am sad he had to go back to work today but the good news is he gets off at 3. (that's what she looks like in newborn clothes)

I think it's funny how small she looks in her swing, she has a lot to grow into.
Nana has been a huge help getting me organized and just enjoying the new baby with me. She has also been great with Hayden, picking up new toys and helping him to feel special too. He's doing pretty good and still likes to give his sister loves and tickles.

I was sad to see my mom leave and a little scared to do the two kids on my own. My recovery has been really easy though and both kids really seem to be adjusting great. Now that Jordyn is here and I can hold her I realize how much she is worth the extra work.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Jordyn Alayne

She is finally here! 6lbs 13 ounces 19 inches.

I woke up on Wed. morning around 5 am with contractions but not real regular so I wasn't sure. Finally I went to the hospital at 10 because they just kept coming. When I got there I was only a 2 cm and they sent me walking to see if things would progress. By the time I got back and someone finally checked me it was 12:30 and I was 7 to 8 cm and in A LOT of pain. They hurried and did an epidural I had a brief relief and it was time to push. Half way through my first push they told me to stop cause she was out and it was 1:28 pm. Thats my short story and I am feeling great because it went so well.

Isn't she beautiful with all that dark hair (I have no idea where it came from)!


Nana arrived about 2 hours later to hold the new baby girl
and to bring me a milk shake my first food of the day.
Hayden was excited to meet his little sister. He did so much better than I thought he would, it was very cute to see him want to hold and kiss her. So far he has been soft and gentle I hope it lasts.

                               First Kiss

After an hour of paper work and Hayden crashing on the couch we finally got to go home!
She will eventually grow into this!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Almost Time

So I only have about 2 weeks left till my due date and I am feeling very anxious. I can't really find much more to clean or organize but i'm sure I will find something. My blood pressure was high for a while and so I thought this baby might have to come early like Hayden and we got all ready, but now that it's down it feels like I'm waiting forever. However I am glad that she is going to come when she's ready.

I finally took some pictures of Hayden so that I could remember when it was just him. Sometimes I am amazed at how big he is and others I feel like he is still my baby. This will definatly be an adjustment for both of us. I couldn't get him to smile I will have to have Chirs help my with that sometime.



Hayden is as busy as ever and talking a little. He only ever says what's really important to him like yelling mommy when he wants something, which seems like always. This is his fort his dad made him, they have been really good buddies he is definatly a daddy's boy now.
I am afraid Hayden is going to be very sad when he finds out this baby swing is not for him.
Here is my little helper which usually means things take twice as long, but he sure loves to do what I'm doing.
My sister Jentry came up for a vist and Hayden did better playing with his cousins this time. He doesn't always play nice with other kids but he is definatly learning and getting better.
They had to watch the movie in thier car seats because there was only one little chair and of course they all need one.
We went to the rec center, they have a great pool and the kids all played well, it was really fun. It's a good thing he doesn't mind water in his face, he actually thought this was great and kept asking jentry to do it again.