Friday, January 30, 2009

Back to school

Chris got accepted to his masters program at Weber State, he is doing education. The best part is that he does not have to take the GRE so we are excited to not have to go through that. The break was nice but I guess it is back to school again.

Hayden continues to grow and do new things everyday. He is experimenting with his voice and breathing. He likes to breath in real hard it sounds like he is wheezing, it scared me at first until I realized he was doing it for fun. He is saying syllables now, my favorite is ma ma even if he doesn't mean it yet it's still fun to hear it.

As you can see he is getting better at sitting up. Sorry my photos are not very creative but I thought these faces were cute.

I'm not sure what this face means!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hey guys I am sorry I never update this but I knew I would be bad at it before I ever started. I guess every 2 months is better than never right. It was a busy holidays for us and lots of traveling. It was great visiting family and Hayden did pretty good. Life here in Kamas is quiet with A LOT of snow, it's beautiful but it seems like it never stops.

As you can see Hayden is getting bigger and cuter ever day. He doesn't jump in this thing much he just likes being up where he can spin and look around. He has mastered rolling around and I can't keep him in one place anymore, now he is working on sitting up.

Have to have those naked baby pictures!

Hayden is sporting new clothes his aunt Lindsay got him and as you can see is starting to sit up.

Our cute little family

This is one of those moments that dads seem to love and moms hold their breath. Hope everyone had great holidays and is recovering now!