Friday, January 29, 2010

Major life changes

So the last few months have been long and crazy here is a quick update. For those of you who don't know we are expecting our second baby in April. It's a little GIRL and we are very excited but nervous to have two little ones, well I am anyways.
We had Christmas in Oregon with my family and it was so much fun to all be together with all our kids.
We have bought our first home and just moved in and so far i LOVE it. This mean no more basements, no more orange and brown carpets, and no more of the weird things you put up with for apartment living (and we have had weird ones)! I will have pictures as soon as I actually find the camera and have had time to breath, moving while pregnant is hard.

Hayden playing in the snow, we get plenty here in the moutains!
The 6 grand kids under 3 (soon to be 7)

My growing family

The beautiful ocean in Oregon

Portland temple

mt. Hood as we drove into Portland

1 comment:

Jentch said...

Janae you have the internet again!!!!! I am so excited to see updated pictures. Now there is no excuse for things like belly pictures and pictures of your new house. Getting going lady!