Friday, October 8, 2010

The end of summer

So I ran my first race and I have to say I love running.   As much as I love my kids it's my one time during the day to myself and yet I still don't go as much as I should. I did a marathon relay which is five people so a little over 5 miles each. It was fun running with a team and now I am getting ready for the Wasatch back Ragnar relay which is a 12 person team and 188 miles I think I have like 18 miles Yikes! Good thing it's not till June.  

That's Hayden running after me in the pink I felt kind of bad I couldn't stop but he was happy to see me at the finish line.

Jordyn is really starting to keep my hands full and getting really active. It makes me nervous because I already have one child that never stops moving and I know how exhausting it is. On the bright side I think they will have a lot of fun together! (If I can keep them safe and alive that is)  

I think the clean up was to much fun for him for it to count as a punishment.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

4 Months old

Jordyn is 4 months already and changing everyday. She is very social, loves to smile and is just really starting
to laugh and giggle. She still saves her best laughs for Hayden, she thinks he is pretty interesting. As you can see I am still loving dressing up my little girl and she is a good sport.
At her 4 month app. she weighed 14.8 pounds and was 25 in. and she really hates getting her shots. (So do I) I had to get the new TDP and I forgot how sore it can make your arm it made me understand why she was so fussy the next day.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

What we have been up to

We have been very busy for the last couple months, well at least for me I like to keep my life simple, but we have had a lot of fun. Baby Jordyn is three months now and she has just been a dream of a baby. She is still a great sleeper and loves to do her baby talking. The only real problem we have run into is she won't take a bottle so if anyone has suggestions I would love to hear them, I would like to make it back to the temple before she is a year old.
As you can see this is her new favorite toy and even Hayden likes to share it with her!

 Hayden continues to do something every day that makes me laugh such as his new trick of trying on clothes, spraying him self in the face with the hose (hence the funny hair) and coming up with words  that don't really sound they should such as "doky" which means water (it started as drink).


Some of our family came up to celebrate the 4th of July with us. It is a really big deal in our little town, they have the Dodge National Rodeo that comes through here. It was fun to get to share out little town with our families.

Friday, June 25, 2010

beautiful children

I am trying to be better about taking more pictures of my children. I want to always remember them while they were at this young and precious age. I feel like I am missing some of Hayden because he changed faster than I took pictues and in this digital world I have no excuses. Of course when ever I set out to do it I remember why I don't try more often, they don't understand I just need them to hold still. In the end we are all frustrated but they sure are fun to look at!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2 Years old

Hayden turned 2 years old on Saturday June 19, this is how he has changed.

Ever since he learned how to move he hasn't stopped and I don't think he is slowing down any time soon. With him being mischievous and me being forgetful were not always a good blend. Like when I forget to put the lotions and creams up high where he can’t get them, or when I don’t get the pantry door closed all the way. With Hayden running up the stairs to get the laundry ready can mean very colorful walls when I come down or going into the garage can mean the house is soaked from the sprayer on the sink (and I mean SOAKED). I am quickly learning that with him there is no quick minute to get something done unless he is napping. However no kid can laugh like him, he has quite a variety. When he laughs with pure joy it brings tears to my eyes almost every time. He talks all the time but I understand very little of what he says, such as fruit snacks that sounds just like the F word! He loves to read books with me before naps and bedtime and sometimes he will fall asleep in my arms and it feels like he is still my baby. It has been an amazing, exciting, frustrating, exhausting, and certainly not boring 2 years.

Here are some pictures from his birthday, We just had a fun family day, played with water and had a couple kids over to open presents.
He is my little ladies man, I love the look on his face. This is the cute table Chris built for him, I put Hayden and Jordyn's handprints in the corner and I love the way it turned out.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

2 months old

Jordyn is growing fast, at her two month appointment she weight 11 lbs and was 22 inches. She is doing good at holding her head up, my favorite is she is smiling back at us and making happy noises. Hayden still seems to enjoy having her around and gives her plently of kisses and always informs me that "she sad" when ever she cries.

We had her blessing at the first of June and it all went very well. We had plenty of family that came to join us and she got to wear an old family dress that I loved!