Chris and I have been working hard putting in a vegetable garden since we have a lot of room for it here. The hard part is there is a short frost free time frame here so a lot of people have green houses. So the good husband Chris is, he helped me build one and I am very proud of it. I sure hope it all grows now. If it does we will have all the veg. we could ever want!
The other project we did was this dresser I found at a garage sale for $3. It looked pretty ugly but it is amazing what some sanding, paint, and knobs can do. Now it matches perfectly with his room!
Hayden is just recovering from pneumonia the poor little guy. I took him to the doctor after he had a fever for the third day because I could tell he really wasn't feeling well but I never would have guessed he had pneumonia. The good news is the antibiotics worked wonderful and he is almost back to himself. We still have to go back to make sure it's cleared up but I think he is ok.
He is busy getting into everything and his favorite activity is pulling everything of the shelves , he just likes to watch it drop. He stands up a cruises around furniture as much as he can but he can't balance we enough to walk yet.

He is very good at feeding himself and loves to do it. I think it is great, I can get a lot done while he eats now!

He is very good at feeding himself and loves to do it. I think it is great, I can get a lot done while he eats now!